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Honey Apple Cider Vinegar Metabolism Booster

Bee Kind Honey Infusions

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

Happy New Year! If you are doing a New Year's resolution weight-loss thing, then this sweet combo may help you along. Apple Cider Vinegar is known to reduce body fat through several processes in our system as well as slowing the absorption of food, which in turn keeps us feeling full for longer. Honey increases our metabolism and our energy levels, so together they are a delicious weight-fighting combo. Bonus: these two strengthen our immune systems too!

image by Myriams Fotos

Honey Apple Cider Vinegar Metabolism Booster


1 TBSP of Apple Cider Vinegar (for the benefits mentioned above it must contain the 'mother' or beneficial bacteria strands you can see in the bottle)

1 1/2 TSP of Bee Kind Pure Honey or to taste

1 cup of warm water (not too hot or it will kill of the natural benefits of the honey)

dash of cayenne pepper or cinnamon (optional)


Mix together and consume once per day first thing in the morning or before bedtime. Up the flavour and weight loss benefits by adding a dash of cayenne pepper or cinnamon, each of which help to speed up metabolism.

If you have health concerns, please check with your doctor before trying natural remedies.


Bee Kind Honey Infusions

Made in Canada

Copyright 2024

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